Content tagged with "Weeknotes"

Why Weeknote?

One of my favourite Fosstodon people Doug Belshaw publishes a blog post every week about what he got up to during the week which is always interesting to read. Re-visiting your notes on a weekly basis is always a great idea from both a learning standpoint since it helps you cement the things you learned and wrote about in your mind and also from an appreciation and gratitude standpoint since it makes you take stock and look back at the things you did this week, the volume of which may surprise you. Doing this on your public facing blog has the side effect of making you write in a focused way as if someone other than yourself might read it and that will help you make sense of your own writing when you come back to review it in the future. It can help hold you accountable since its much easier to convince yourself not to bother writing a weeknote or to put it off if you are the only one who will ever see it. Finally of course, there’s the possibility that others might read it and find it interesting or learn something.