
wondering how well my #phd examiners would take it if instead of the carefully prepared presentation I’ve been building I open my viva with a #haiku

I know about stuff please let me use ‘doctor’ now I’m good for it, promise

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A fun evening in spent building a Tie fighter with Mrs R #lego

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Up in the Midlands visiting my parents this weekend. Had an early morning visit from their cat Bertie this morning #Caturday

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Now that the weather is turning colder, Rupert is enjoying his doughnut bed big time #Caturday

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I found the upgrade to Firefox v106 a bit weird and jarring. I quite like the colour schemes but linking the colours to personality types seemed odd. I like blue so apparently that makes me an activist? Go figure I guess?

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We’ve been experimenting with some new recipes in our air fryer recently. Eggs bacon and tomato… In toast… Has worked pretty well

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I’ve just finished porting my website over from an old shared web hosting server to my VPS - it should be noticeably faster even though its just serving HTML


Really happy with my new purchase which finally arrived today - my present to myself for finishing my thesis #steamdeck

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Phd thesis submitted, 7 years in the making! I’m PHinisheD (thanks to Mrs R for the mug). Now to prepare for a much needed holiday before the dreaded viva

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Went for an evening walk on the nearby beach with Mrs R and we caught the sunset. The air ambulance also flew over.

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