Content tagged with "Humour"

I'm not really saying anything revolutionary or novel in this post, it's just a bit of a stream of consciousness rant about how companies behave when they think we're not watching them....

When I was growing up I remember my parents and grandparents frequently talking about companies that they trusted and telling me good makes for things:

"German cars are well engineered... you should drive a Volkswagen"


My dad has spent some of his retirement doing hobbyist machine learning projects. He heard the term “data lake” a while back and has taken to calling his datasets a “data swamp.” Feels like a terminology improvement the whole field could get behind.

This is brilliant, I've not come across this term before but I could definitely get behind using it to describe data that comes out of customer systems like Jonathon says he already does at his workplace.


Had a run in with this little guy this morning. He’s been living in our garage eating bird seed out of a sack I bought for our bird feeders for a few weeks. I set up infrared cameras and humane traps and I’ve been watching him scurrying around cutely at night.we released him into a hedgerow next to a big field this morning and I’m kind of going to miss him.


Today I read via Simon Willison’s blog that [someone has managed to get LlaMA running on a raspberry pi]. That’s pretty incredible progress and it made me think of this excerpt from Hitchiker’s Guide To the Galaxy:

O Deep Thought computer," he said, “the task we have designed you to perform is this. We want you to tell us….” he paused, “The Answer.”

“The Answer?” said Deep Thought. “The Answer to what?”


In January I went for a walk with my bluetooth earbuds in and when I got back I must have put them in their charging case and then put it “somewhere safe”. I spent a few days looking for them and then eventually gave up and had to buy a replacement pair.

Fast-forward to this week when my phone was showing that it was connected to my earbuds even though I knew mine were safely tucked away in their case. I tried re-seating my earbuds in their charger to make them turn off and my phone briefly connected to another set of buds - so they were off the whole time!


a guy checking out a girl captioned 'new project ideas and programming languages' whilst holding hands with his annoyed looking girlfriend captioned 'my phd corrections and existing side projects'

Today is my last full day of work before christmas and my mind is already racing thinking about all the cool things I want to do over the holidays. My brain is always so curious and keen to try new stuff instead of focusing on my existing todo list. The struggle is real.


wondering how well my #phd examiners would take it if instead of the carefully prepared presentation I’ve been building I open my viva with a #haiku

I know about stuff please let me use ‘doctor’ now I’m good for it, promise

I’ve just noticed that depressingly I get more text messages from OTP services than my friends (hopefully more a reflection that I sign in to a lot of things than not having any friends)