Content tagged with "Elasticsearch"

I have recently been playing with Elastic search a lot for my PhD and started trying to do some more complicated queries and pattern matching using the DSL syntax. I have an index on my local machine called impact_studies which contains all 6637 REF 2014 impact case studies in a JSON format. One of the fields is “UOA” which contains the title of the unit of impact that the case study belongs to. We recently identified the fact that we do not want to look at all units of impact (my PhD is around impact in science so domains such as Art History are largely irrelevent to me). Therefore I started trying to run queries like this:


I know I’m doing a lot of flip-flopping between SOLR and Elastic at the moment – I’m trying to figure out key similarities and differences between them and where one is more suitable than the other.

The following is an example of how to map a function _**f **_onto an entire set of indexed data in elastic using the scroll API.

If you use elastic, it is possible to do paging by adding a size and a from parameter. For example if you wanted to retrieve results in pages of 5 starting from the 3rd page (i.e. show results 11-15) you would do: