Content tagged with "Humour"

Content-warning: depression

This post is a tongue-in-cheek poke at middle class festive traditions in the UK.

After Christmas can seem cold and bleak like this photo by Gantas Vaičiulėnas

After Christmas can seem cold and bleak like this photo by Gantas Vaičiulėnas

This coming Monday is Blue Monday which is supposedly the most depressing day of the year. Whether you are a glass-half full or glass half-empty sort of person, you have to admit that these first few weeks in January are a bit of a struggle right? There are plenty of reasons why you might feel like that, from the weather to that broken new year’s resolution (if you’ve already slipped, don’t worry and don’t write the year off, just get back on the horse - Rome wasn’t built in a day).


A picture of our dining table

It’s nice to see the dining table used for something other than a glorified office desk once a year although one of the emergency dining chairs this year is a rather plush office chair - a trade up from the foldy metal chairs that hurt your bum

A testament to marketers around the world is the myth that their AI platform X, Y or Z can solve all your problems with no effort. Perhaps it is this, combined with developers and data scientists often being hidden out of sight and out of mind that leads people to think this way.

Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that ML and AI involve blood sweat and tears – especially if you are building things from scratch rather than using APIs. If you are using third party APIs there are still challenges. The biggest players in the API space also have large pools of money. Pools of money that can be spent on marketing literature to convince you that their product will solve all your problems with no effort required. I think this is dishonest and is one of the reasons I have so many conversations like the one below.