Content tagged with "Indieweb"

In episode 5 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge, I talk about my recent experience playing with the codebase, a fun and pleasant deep-dive into the code base for one of the IndieWeb movement’s key pieces of infrastructure.

Intro to

Back when I started reading about the IndieWeb Movement and playing with micropub/microsub around christmas time I found bri.dgy, a service by Ryan Barret a.k.a snarfed which transparently links your micropub website with social media silos like twitter, mastodon, instagram and others, in order to facilitate both POSSE and backfeeding (i.e. PESOS) of content.


Over the last 15+ years I’ve worked with a bunch of different web servers from Apache to Lighttpd to nginx. I like a hassle free life so while I’m typically an early adopter, I don’t tend to move on a whim unless I’m seeing a lot of positive feedback. A lot of my peers have been recommending Caddy for a while and I recently tried using it at work which finally convinced me to make the switch.


Spent some time today implementing webmention support on my website. Likes/retweets/reboosts and tweets/toots show up as comments on my page now as well as “standard” replies/comments from other blogs

Spent a couple of hours adding indieweb micropub and microsub support to my site today and pretty pleased with the result. I can now join in with the POSSE gang on IndieWeb