Content tagged with "Self-Hosting"


In the world of AI assistants, subscription services like ChatGPT Plus, Claude Pro and Google One AI have become increasingly popular amongst knowledge workers. However these subscription services may not be the most cost-effective or flexible solution for everyone and the not-insignificant fees encourage users to stick to one model that the've already paid for rather than trying out different options.


Self-hosting Llama 3 as your own ChatGPT replacement service using a 10 year old graphics card and open source components.

Last week Meta launched Llama 3, the latest in their open source LLM series. Llama 3 is particularly interesting because the 8 billion parameter model, which is small enough to run on a laptop, performs as well as models 10x bigger than it. The responses it provides are as good as GPT-4 for many use cases.


Over the last 15+ years I’ve worked with a bunch of different web servers from Apache to Lighttpd to nginx. I like a hassle free life so while I’m typically an early adopter, I don’t tend to move on a whim unless I’m seeing a lot of positive feedback. A lot of my peers have been recommending Caddy for a while and I recently tried using it at work which finally convinced me to make the switch.