Content tagged with "Mentalhealth"

I recently noticed that every time I have some downtime - be it a long weekend or a two week holiday - I end up getting sick with coughs and colds. I also feel tired a lot. Not only is this inconvenient, it can severely impact my enjoyment of my time off or even prevent me from going to things I was looking forward to. I decided that I need to get better at relaxing and unwinding so that my body doesn’t force me to do it in the least enjoyable way (from my bed sniffling and coughing).


I recently finished and submitted my PhD thesis to Warwick University, ending a 7-year phase of my life in which I worked the CTO at an AI company by day and moonlighted by reading and writing scientific papers and writing experiments at night and during the weekends. I’m now just CTOing but I’m finding that when the evening comes around I am tired and lack any motivation to pursue side-projects or hobbies other than sedentary/low effort things like watching TV, playing video games and reading.


Anxiety is a weird one, it’s something I don’t write about online very often or at least not publicly. It is a state of mind with which I have a very strange relationship. I don’t know if this article will be useful to anyone in particular or if people might find any of it relatable or what. To be honest, I am writing this to make myself feel better as I sit here in overwhelmed 🤯🤯🤯 mode (explained below) thinking about my post Christmas to-do list.