Content tagged with "MonthlyReview"

We're a few days into April now so I'm overdue my March Review. March was a much more enjoyable month than February. We did a lot of stuff and I managed not to get sick the whole time which was great.

Travelling About

I started the month with a couple of hectic weeks. In the first week we met up with an old family friend for dinner in Southampton. We went to Mango Thai Above Bar where we had delightful food and a really fun evening. We also met up with my Mum and her partner for lunch to celebrate Mother's Day.


It was a pretty typical February for us this year in the sense that it was pretty rubbish and both myself and Mrs R were sick for a lot of it.

Flu February

Regular readers may have noticed that I've not been posting much this month. Towards the end of the first full week of Feb I was stricken with Flu. Now, I've heard people say "it's not real flu unless you think you're dying" and laughed it off and I've had heavy colds before. Now, I've had real influenza I really do get it. On the first 2-3 days I had very high fever and muscle aches. Then, I had those symptoms plus nausea and sickness for a further 3 days. Normally if you get a stomach bug it passes within 24 hours. After 3 days solid of feeling this way you really do start to think "am I dying?"


My first monthly review in the new format since I mentioned in December that I would move from publishing weekly to monthly instead. Quite often January is a slow and sleepy month that drags on and on. This year I found that a lot happened in January and I was surprised how quickly it passed.

Personal Stuff

In my goal not to be a fat boy at 35 I shifted around 5kg (or 11lb) by not eating crap like we did over the christmas holidays and by going for walks or getting on the stationary bike most days. I've still got a fair bit more weight to shift but I'm happy with this as a starting point and I've found that eating more healthily most of the time means that sweet treats tastes absolutely amazing when we do have a treat day.