Content tagged with "Music"

I really enjoyed reading Wouter's post about his top 25 albums of all time and realised that for someone who mentions music pretty prominently in my bio, I barely talk about it on my blog.

I might do a top 25 albums post at some point but for now, I am content to share a couple of music updates that excited me this week.

Firstly, on Wednesday Mike Portnoy announced that he's going to be returning to Dream Theater which is awesome. Mike Mangini who's been drumming for the band since MP left has been doing an admiral job (he was pretty well qualified, previously holding the world record for the highest number of drum beats in a minute - 1203). MP is one of the main creative voices in the band so hopefully, with his return, we might see a return to concept albums like Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence and Metropolis.