Content tagged with "Personal"

Really enjoyed this blog post. I’ve been using archivebox for a couple of years now and I tend to link to the original and then my archived ‘mirror’ when writing up my notes in my digital garden. I also use wallabag for preserving long form articles without the yucky html and js gunk which I can read later in my kindle.

I found the upgrade to Firefox v106 a bit weird and jarring. I quite like the colour schemes but linking the colours to personality types seemed odd. I like blue so apparently that makes me an activist? Go figure I guess?

I finally crossed the finish line on my PhD thesis after 7 years of working on it part time. Image courtesy of Pietro Rampazzo

I finally crossed the finish line on my PhD thesis after 7 years of working on it part time. Image courtesy of Pietro Rampazzo

Just over 2 weeks ago I finished my PhD thesis. I’m done. 7 years of part-time work sent off to be judged. The day after I handed it in we went off for a cruise holiday around the Norwegian fjords which was lovely and relaxing and meant that I didn’t really get chance to process the whole “yeah so that thing you were doing that consumed all of your free time for the last 7 years is done now” thing until we got home.


Late to the #caturday game - our cat who jumped out of the window is now at home recovering albeit not really enjoying himself. I bet he really regrets going exploring now