Content tagged with "Philosophy"

I'm not really saying anything revolutionary or novel in this post, it's just a bit of a stream of consciousness rant about how companies behave when they think we're not watching them....

When I was growing up I remember my parents and grandparents frequently talking about companies that they trusted and telling me good makes for things:

"German cars are well engineered... you should drive a Volkswagen"


I don’t get apathy at work because I care way too much about pretty much everything. This isn’t necessarily a good thing in an office job. I was chatting with a friend about how caring can become a maladaptive trait at work, when you’re asked to do something that really doesn’t matter and no one cares about, but you just can’t bring yourself to do mediocre work.

I feel this so hard, one of the reasons I had to leave my corporate job and get involved with co-founding a company back in 2016


I’ve been doing mindfulness meditation through headspace for a couple of years and trying to adopt this kind of attitude does help me personally. Quite often the key is to notice when chastising I’m and break out of the thought pattern which can be tricky in the moment! Of course, your mileage may vary

This is a spoilery jumble of my notes and thoughts based on Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport and it’s part 7 of #100DaysToOffload

This week I read Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport, a computer science professor at Georgetown University. The book is about the philosophy of Digital Minimalism which is all about being more intentional about how you spend your leisure time and reducing time spent with eyes down on our phones listlessly scrolling in cyberspace in order to have a more fulfilling life. Digital Minimalism isn’t anti-tech or luddism, but about being more mindful of how we are using technology to make sure we get the most out of it with fewest negative impacts.


Thomas Hobbes, perhaps most famous for his thinking on western politics, was also thinking about how the human mind “computes things” 500 years ago.

A recent opinion piece I read on Wired called for us to stop labelling our current specific machine learning models AI because they are not intelligent. I respectfully disagree.