Content tagged with "Personal"

Stressful 48 hours after our cat decided to bypass (read: rip through) the “cat proof” netting and jump out of a 2 storey window, breaking his ankle. He’s in hospital high as a kite on methadone. Hoping his surgery goes OK

PhD Progress: 🥳🥳🥳 - first draft complete. Still a few edits to make and I already have a list of snags to go back and fix, final deadline is 5 weeks away. Rewarding myself with the rest of the day off.

Today most people you encounter will be sleep deprived, hot, grumpy and struggling to focus in the heat. Remember to be extra patient with others today, offer your delivery driver a glass of water, check on elderly neighbours and look after yourself. #heatwave

A few days ago I started getting “your credentials are invalid” messages from my existing email accounts when trying to connect to the University of Warwick email servers. I hadn’t changed my configuration or my password so I assumed they had changed something their side. It turns out that they have disabled what they call “legacy methods” for connecting to your email account.

The advice is to “Please update to a client that supports more modern methods of authentication or use alternatively Webmail.” which isn’t all that helpful. Also IMAP is still modern and not considered ’legacy’, that’s why a lot of the big web mail providers like Gmail, proton mail, yahoo mail and heck, even Microsoft/hotmail still support it. Anyway, I won’t rant…


PhD Progress Update 3/7/22: Another 2000 words this week - progress appears slower because I spent most of the tail end of this week preparing a stand alone manuscript of chapter 9 for submission to a journal. Hoping to complete a 1st draft of Chapter 2 this week.