Content tagged with "Personal"

In episode 6 of #100DaysToOffload I’ve been playing with some strategies for running the house with my wife.

“Do you have the login for the car insurance?”

“Which home insurance provider are we with now? I just spilled red wine on the carpet”

“What day does the mortgage come out of our joint account?”

These are questions, particularly that 2nd one, that I want to be able to answer at the drop of a hat. However, there are also a couple of other key constraints:


Popped in to Worcester City centre while we’re visiting family in the Midlands and went to Boston Tea Party for lunch. Their porky beans on toast and cakes and coffee were great. Highly recommended!

In episode 5 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge, I talk about my recent experience playing with the codebase, a fun and pleasant deep-dive into the code base for one of the IndieWeb movement’s key pieces of infrastructure.

Intro to

Back when I started reading about the IndieWeb Movement and playing with micropub/microsub around christmas time I found bri.dgy, a service by Ryan Barret a.k.a snarfed which transparently links your micropub website with social media silos like twitter, mastodon, instagram and others, in order to facilitate both POSSE and backfeeding (i.e. PESOS) of content.


I’ve just noticed that depressingly I get more text messages from OTP services than my friends (hopefully more a reflection that I sign in to a lot of things than not having any friends)

Content-warning: depression

This post is a tongue-in-cheek poke at middle class festive traditions in the UK.

After Christmas can seem cold and bleak like this photo by Gantas Vaičiulėnas

After Christmas can seem cold and bleak like this photo by Gantas Vaičiulėnas

This coming Monday is Blue Monday which is supposedly the most depressing day of the year. Whether you are a glass-half full or glass half-empty sort of person, you have to admit that these first few weeks in January are a bit of a struggle right? There are plenty of reasons why you might feel like that, from the weather to that broken new year’s resolution (if you’ve already slipped, don’t worry and don’t write the year off, just get back on the horse - Rome wasn’t built in a day).


As everyone else seems to at this time of year, I thought I would write a quick post about how my year’s gone. I will follow up with some ambitions for 2022 tomorrow.

💒 Getting Married

We got married

We got married

My biggest personal achievement this year was getting married. My wife and I have been together since 2015 and we’d set our sights on a big traditional wedding. Due to COVID we realised that was unlikely to happen any time soon and it also made us reprioritise what we wanted to spend money on - big weddings are notoriously expensive. Instead, we opted for a small family wedding in Winchester which was a lovely experience and meant we got to interact with all of our guests.