Content tagged with "Productivity"

This week I have been playing with swapping Todoist with Tasks.Org on android and syncing it with Nextcloud Tasks via CalDav. The idea was to see if I could switch my todo list to a self-hosted solution and just because it’s been a while since I played around in this space.

After a week I have decided to stick with Todoist. In summary, Tasks.Org is great but the poor desktop experience meant that many of my use cases that involve moving between desktop and moble were negatively impacted.


Avid readers amongst you will know that I’m currently in the third year of my PhD in Computational Linguistics at the University of Warwick  whilst also serving as CTO at Filament. An incredibly exciting pair of positions that certainly have their challenges and would be untenable without an incredibly supportive set of PhD supervisors (Amanda Clare and Maria Liakata) and an equally supportive and understanding pair of company directors (Phil and Doug). Of course I have to shout out to my fiancee Amy who also puts up with a lot when I’m stressed out or I have to work weekends.