Content tagged with "Scientific Papers"

(Cover image “Unlocked” by Sean Hobson)

If you’re an academic or you’ve got an interest in reading scientific papers, you’ve probably run into paywalls that demand tens or even hundreds of £ just to read a scientific paper. It’s ok if you’re affiliated with a university that has access to that journal but it can sometimes be luck of the draw as to whether your institute has access and even if they do, sometimes the SAML login processes don’t work and you still can’t see the paper. Thankfully, the guys at Unpaywall (actually built by Impact Story) have been doing a fantastic job of making open access papers much more easily available to interested academics in the browser. If you end up at a publisher paywall and Unpaywall know about a legitimate free copy of the paper you’re trying to read, they’ll link you straight to it for direct download. Problem solved.