Content tagged with "Data Science"

PhD thesis correction required me to go and find some stats for a dataset that I thought I had version controlled but didn’t… thank the computer gods that I had a copy of it on my old hard drive which miraculously still works. Into #dvc it goes…


When you’re working with large datasets, storing them in git alongside your source code is usually not an optimal solution. Git is famously, not really suited to large files and whilst general purpose solutions exist (Git LFS being perhaps the most famous and widely adopted solution), DVC is a powerful alternative that does not require a dedicated LFS server and can be used directly with a range of cloud storage systems as well as traditional NFS and SFTP-backed filestores all listed out here.


Last week, my colleague Olly and I gave a talk at a data science meetup on how IBM Watson can be used for data science applications.

We had an amazing time and got some really great feedback from the event. We will definitely be doing more talks at events like these in the near future so keep an eye out for us!

I will also be writing a little bit more about the experiment I did around Core Scientific Concepts and Watson Natural Language Classifier in a future blog post.