Content tagged with "Event"

I was very excited to be invited along with some other IBMers to the Blackgang Pi event run by Dr Lucy Rogers on a semi regular basis at the Blackgang Chine theme park on the Isle of Wight.

Blackgang Chine is a theme park on the southern tip of the Isle of Wight and holds the title of oldest theme park in the United Kingdom. We were lucky enough to be invited along to help them modernise some of their animatronic exhibits, replacing some of the aging bespoke PCBs and controllers with Raspberry Pis running Node-RED and communicating using MQTT/Watson IOT.


Last week, my colleague Olly and I gave a talk at a data science meetup on how IBM Watson can be used for data science applications.

We had an amazing time and got some really great feedback from the event. We will definitely be doing more talks at events like these in the near future so keep an eye out for us!

I will also be writing a little bit more about the experiment I did around Core Scientific Concepts and Watson Natural Language Classifier in a future blog post.