Content tagged with "Django"

I am building a recipe app in django and I want to be able to test the app within the CI pipelines when I push to my self-hosted gitea repository.

The Problem

Github actions already has a postgresql action but this crashes when you run Gitea's Action runner via docker:

initdb: error: cannot be run as root
Please log in (using, e.g., "su") as the (unprivileged) user that will own the server process.Read more...


As part of my work on Gastronaut, I'm building a form that allows users to create recipes and which will attempt to parse ingredients lists and find a suitable stock photo for each item the user adds to their recipe. As well as being cute and decorative, this step is important for later when we want to normalise ingredient quantities.

What we're looking to do is take a string like "2lbs flour" and turn it into structured data - a json representation might look like this: