Content tagged with "Docker"


In the world of AI assistants, subscription services like ChatGPT Plus, Claude Pro and Google One AI have become increasingly popular amongst knowledge workers. However these subscription services may not be the most cost-effective or flexible solution for everyone and the not-insignificant fees encourage users to stick to one model that the've already paid for rather than trying out different options.


I just moved from gitea to forgejo and the process could not have been simpler. I'm really impressed. I suppose since the latter was until very recently a soft fork of gitea, I shouldn't be surprised at how easy it was. Still though, I sat down expecting to need to dedicate a few hours to debugging and it "just works" without a hitch after 15 minutes. The most jarring part was getting the actions runner working but the forgejo documentation is great, in fact I'd say better than gitea's docs, so in the end this wasn't a massive issue.


I am building a recipe app in django and I want to be able to test the app within the CI pipelines when I push to my self-hosted gitea repository.

The Problem

Github actions already has a postgresql action but this crashes when you run Gitea's Action runner via docker:

initdb: error: cannot be run as root
Please log in (using, e.g., "su") as the (unprivileged) user that will own the server process.Read more...


Filament build and deploy enterprise AI applications on behalf of incumbent  institutions in finance, biotech, facilities management and other sectors. James Ravenscroft, CTO at Filament, writes about the challenges of enterprise software deployment and the opportunities presented by Kubernetes and Google’s Anthos offering.

It is a big myth that bringing a software package to market starts and ends with developers and testers. One of the most important, complex and time consuming parts of enterprise software projects is around packaging up the code and making it run across lots of different systems: commonly and affectionately termed “DevOps” in many organisations.


I recently stumbled upon and fell in love with Gitea – a lightweight self-hosted Github and Gitlab alternative written in the Go programming language. One of my favourite things about it – other than the speed and efficiency that mean you can even run it on a raspberry pi – is the built in LFS support. For the unfamiliar, LFS is a protocol initially introduced by GitHub that allows users to version control large binary files – something that Git is traditionally pretty poor at.


Hoorah! After a number of weeks I’ve finally managed to get SAPIENTA running inside docker containers on our EBI cloud instance. You can try it out at

The project was previously running via a number of very precarious scripts that had a habit of stopping and not coming back up. Hopefully the new docker environment should be a lot more stable.

Another improvement I’ve made is to create a websocket interface for calling the service and a Python-based commandline client. If you’re interested I’m using and the relevent python libraries (server and client). This means that anyone who needs to can now request annotations in large batches. I’m planning on using to interface Partridge with SAPIENTA since they are hosted on separate servers and this approach avoids any complicated firewall issues.