Content tagged with "Git"

Over the last few days, I’ve been working out how to get FOAM to automatically sync my notes to their respective Git repositories when I save them in the editor. Here are my findings.


I keep notes on different areas of my life siloed from each other. This allows me to completely prevent commercially sensitive stuff from my work life leaking onto personal devices and prevents me from accidentally publishing something personal (e.g. my shopping list for this weekend) to my public digital garden. Using FOAM in multi-root mode I can then transparently load all of these different sets of notes into the same workspace and connect relevant things together (for example, I could link to a public note I made about MySQL in a private work-related note I made to myself about debugging a client issue).


I recently stumbled upon and fell in love with Gitea – a lightweight self-hosted Github and Gitlab alternative written in the Go programming language. One of my favourite things about it – other than the speed and efficiency that mean you can even run it on a raspberry pi – is the built in LFS support. For the unfamiliar, LFS is a protocol initially introduced by GitHub that allows users to version control large binary files – something that Git is traditionally pretty poor at.