Content tagged with "Personal"

I recently noticed that every time I have some downtime - be it a long weekend or a two week holiday - I end up getting sick with coughs and colds. I also feel tired a lot. Not only is this inconvenient, it can severely impact my enjoyment of my time off or even prevent me from going to things I was looking forward to. I decided that I need to get better at relaxing and unwinding so that my body doesn’t force me to do it in the least enjoyable way (from my bed sniffling and coughing).


Welcome to my new look website. I’ve spent my Sunday morning getting the site looking nice and setting up webmentions. I’m now just testing that I can still make new posts

Started playing Tiny Life, an isometric pixel art remake of The Sims 1 which is still in early access on steam but is already amazingly rounded out and cute. Getting some serious nostalgia vibes. Highly recommended.

We went to the cinema for one of Cineworld’s secret screenings (an advance screening of a mystery upcoming movie). The movie was Elemental, Pixar’s new film about a fire person living under the pressure of traditional parents who want her to take over the family business. It was quite an enjoyable movie even though it was your typical Disney archetypal film. There was also a fun short with Carl and Doug from Up!


Had a run in with this little guy this morning. He’s been living in our garage eating bird seed out of a sack I bought for our bird feeders for a few weeks. I set up infrared cameras and humane traps and I’ve been watching him scurrying around cutely at night.we released him into a hedgerow next to a big field this morning and I’m kind of going to miss him.


An image of a robot DJ at a mixing desk generated by Stable Diffusion

An image of a robot DJ at a mixing desk generated by Stable Diffusion

Spotify recently joined the AI hype by introducing a new AI DJ to their app. I was initially deeply sceptical and cynical and started muttering about cancelling my subscription and just going back to using my local library and Plex. However, I thought I’d give it a go. So far I’ve found it to be… not terrible.


You might have noticed that I’ve not been particularly active online as of late. Well that’s for a variety of reasons. Firstly my company raised £2.8M funding and, since then, I’ve been working hard hiring, documenting and trying to rework a number of processes so that they will still work once the company gets much bigger.

Earlier in May Mrs R and I went on holiday to the Lake District to celebrate my birthday. The Lake District is one of my favourite places in the UK and I have personal connections to a number of places up there, it was great to get away from screens for a few days and spend some time in the great outdoors.