
Happy freaking Easter James - from Mother Nature


The human brain is a strange thing and sometimes it just needs a push. After work this evening I was feeling quite unmotivated and I didn’t want to do anything 0 in fact I was sure I couldn’t but after a little encouragement I’ve had a pretty productive (and fun) evening working on a talk I’m giving at the University of Manchester next week.

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This just arrived in the mail. Its a bit surreal to be holding this in my hands.


Took Mrs R to see Troy Hawke who is Internet famous for standing outside shops and saying witty things to would be customers. The show was very funny and lively and Troy was kind enough to wait around afterwards for photos with the audience. Great evening out!

a photo of a home-made ice cream sundae with chocolate sauce

Feeling a bit sorry for myself, its dark, I’m back at work and I have to make some #phd thesis corrections. Mrs R has just provided my consolation prize. She is the best.



I’m looking at migrating away from #LastPass - I am considering self-hosting BitWarden or using their SaaS service. However, do I truly believe in my heart-of-hearts that we won’t see the same headline about BW being breached in the next 5 years? Do I paint a target on my back by hosting my own and also not being a security specialist or do I benefit by not being in the “big pond” of SaaS users? Or, do I go stateless with #LessPass?

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PhD thesis correction required me to go and find some stats for a dataset that I thought I had version controlled but didn’t… thank the computer gods that I had a copy of it on my old hard drive which miraculously still works. Into #dvc it goes…

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a guy checking out a girl captioned 'new project ideas and programming languages' whilst holding hands with his annoyed looking girlfriend captioned 'my phd corrections and existing side projects'

Today is my last full day of work before christmas and my mind is already racing thinking about all the cool things I want to do over the holidays. My brain is always so curious and keen to try new stuff instead of focusing on my existing todo list. The struggle is real.

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House is now suitably decorated. Rudi the dinosaur wishes you all a Merry Christmas

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My lovely PhD supervisors sent me champagne and chocolate for passing my viva this week and Rupert is very interested - he won’t take no for an answer even though I told him chocolate is VERY bad for cats #caturday

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