Content tagged with "Security"

A padlock hanging on a chain

Photo by Roth Melinda on Unsplash

Earlier this month LastPass revealed that they had been breached and then a few days later that that their customer’s encrypted password data was stolen. Following a couple of years of controversy including earlier breaches and price rises, this latest breach hasn’t been a particularly good look for them. I’ve been an LP user for a few years, but this latest breach has me concerned - particularly because their customer data vaults have been exposed.


I’m looking at migrating away from #LastPass - I am considering self-hosting BitWarden or using their SaaS service. However, do I truly believe in my heart-of-hearts that we won’t see the same headline about BW being breached in the next 5 years? Do I paint a target on my back by hosting my own and also not being a security specialist or do I benefit by not being in the “big pond” of SaaS users? Or, do I go stateless with #LessPass?


As adoption of chatbots and conversational interfaces continues to grow, how will businesses keep their brand safe and their customer’s data safer?

From deliberate infiltration of  systems to bugs that cause accidental data leakage, these days, the exposure or loss of personal data is a large part of what occupies almost every self-respecting CIO’s mind. Especially since the EU has just slapped its first defendant with a GDPR fine.