Content tagged with "Cloud"

Our transition from AWS to bare-metal infrastructure underscores the fact that while cloud services such as AWS offer robust flexibility and power, they may not always be the most economical choice for every enterprise.

Neel Patel,

We had a very similar experience at my current company a few years ago and we're saving similar magnitudes of cash. Rather than going full bare metal we have a hybrid IT strategy where staging and production systems are hosted in Google Cloud with all of the advantages that brings (redundancy, flexibility, security) but we use our own hardware for running test environments and CI workloads. Our source code repo is cloud-based for the redundancy after, true story, our old gitlab instance was literally melted in the OVH fire, March 2021.


A padlock hanging on a chain

Photo by Roth Melinda on Unsplash

Earlier this month LastPass revealed that they had been breached and then a few days later that that their customer’s encrypted password data was stolen. Following a couple of years of controversy including earlier breaches and price rises, this latest breach hasn’t been a particularly good look for them. I’ve been an LP user for a few years, but this latest breach has me concerned - particularly because their customer data vaults have been exposed.