Content tagged with "Privacy"

A padlock hanging on a chain

Photo by Roth Melinda on Unsplash

Earlier this month LastPass revealed that they had been breached and then a few days later that that their customer’s encrypted password data was stolen. Following a couple of years of controversy including earlier breaches and price rises, this latest breach hasn’t been a particularly good look for them. I’ve been an LP user for a few years, but this latest breach has me concerned - particularly because their customer data vaults have been exposed.


This is a somewhat cliched meta post about blogging and my 4th post in this year’s run at the #100DaysToOffload challenge. See the full series here

Google’s Analytics programme made the headlines this week after Austria ruled that the way that it works constitutes a breach of GDPR. I’ve been using Google Analytics on my site for a little while (mainly out of laziness since the Hugo template I use has built in support for Google Analytics if you paste your user ID number into the configuration). I’d been thinking about swapping to a self-hosted analytics package for a while but this decision was the final prompt that made me do it.