Content tagged with "Personal"

Anxiety is a weird one, it’s something I don’t write about online very often or at least not publicly. It is a state of mind with which I have a very strange relationship. I don’t know if this article will be useful to anyone in particular or if people might find any of it relatable or what. To be honest, I am writing this to make myself feel better as I sit here in overwhelmed 🤯🤯🤯 mode (explained below) thinking about my post Christmas to-do list.


I’m looking at migrating away from #LastPass - I am considering self-hosting BitWarden or using their SaaS service. However, do I truly believe in my heart-of-hearts that we won’t see the same headline about BW being breached in the next 5 years? Do I paint a target on my back by hosting my own and also not being a security specialist or do I benefit by not being in the “big pond” of SaaS users? Or, do I go stateless with #LessPass?


a guy checking out a girl captioned 'new project ideas and programming languages' whilst holding hands with his annoyed looking girlfriend captioned 'my phd corrections and existing side projects'

Today is my last full day of work before christmas and my mind is already racing thinking about all the cool things I want to do over the holidays. My brain is always so curious and keen to try new stuff instead of focusing on my existing todo list. The struggle is real.


My lovely PhD supervisors sent me champagne and chocolate for passing my viva this week and Rupert is very interested - he won’t take no for an answer even though I told him chocolate is VERY bad for cats #caturday

wondering how well my #phd examiners would take it if instead of the carefully prepared presentation I’ve been building I open my viva with a #haiku

I know about stuff please let me use ‘doctor’ now I’m good for it, promise

Thanks for the mention Wouter!

There have been a couple of other really interesting posts on this topic from Shawn ‘swyx’ Wang recently.

In this post, Sean talks about the fact that index pages seem kind of backwards and echoes your point: does it make sense to have index pages as reverse-chronologically sorted lists of posts when maybe your newest post isn’t that interesting (as he says “people report writers block with blogs, particularly after a big successful post, because it’s almost impossible to consistently pump out bangers”).